Unveiling the Magic of Los Jameos del Agua, Lanzarote

I was on board P&O Azura, and we had docked for the day in Lanzarote. With some friends, we decided to get a taxi to Los Jameos del Agua. Los Jameos del Agua is one of Lanzarote's most iconic attractions, showcasing the unique vision of César Manrique. 

Los Jameos del Agua Lanzarote Pool

Manrique was a local artist and architect whose work impacted the island's cultural and physical landscape. His ability to blend art, nature, and architecture is nothing short of truly wonderful. It's set within lava formed by the eruption of the Monte Corona volcano around 3,000 years ago. 

Los Jameos del Agua rocks, steps and plants.

There are a lot of stairs, carved into the volcanic rock. The first pool you reach is full of blind crabs, little white dots in the crystal clear water.  You are not allowed to throw coins into the lake.  The small, blind albino crabs of the first pool are only endemic to this place.

Blind crabs in the underground lake - Los Jameos del Agua Lanzarote
Blind crabs in the underground lake.

The underground concert hall is renowned for its acoustics. The restaurants and cafes are decorated in orange, a wonderful contrast with the atmospheric lighting and darkness. 

The underground concert hall - Los Jameos del Agua Lanzarote
The underground concert hall
Jameos del Agua Cafe
One of the many cafes within the caves

After exploring the caves, tunnels, gift shop and stopping for a coffee, you will arrive at the White Pool, which is very blue. It is a beautiful area surrounded by a lush garden. It is reported that only the King of Spain has the right to swim in this pool. 

The White Pool - Los Jameos del Agua Lanzarote
The White Pool.

For more information, see Los Jameos del Agua

We caught a taxi from the ship. The journey is one hour from the cruise port. Depending on the number in your group, it may be better to use the ship's shore excursions. At the time of writing, this was £44 per person.

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